Students at UTAS-A evolve in an environment with a mixture of experiences from diverse aspects of life. UTAS-A will not only nurture academically but also instill in you a sense of responsibility and dedication through clubs and organizations, athletic competitions, and culture arts.

Student Involvement and Activities

Students at ACT evolve in an environment with a mixture of experiences from diverse aspects of life. We will not only nurture academically but also instill in you a sense of responsibility and dedication through clubs and organizations, athletic competitions, and culture arts. You can simply choose from joining clubs and societies, getting involved in sports competitions, participating in a department quiz bowl, visiting the Arts Exhibits, studying at the library, or just sitting under the trees and chatting with friends in between lectures.

Our college hosts many annual events that are held in commemoration of significant milestones and that add charm and sense of community to everyone. Co-curricular activities ensure that you are appropriately assisted in your learning. Workshops, seminars, exhibitions, guest lectures, short courses, and field visits supporting coursework give you the opportunity to exhibit your skills through projects and other assignments. Academic departments host, each term, one or two exhibits of student projects where they can showcase their knowledge, creativity, and interpersonal skills.

The Academic year begins with the Induction Program for first year students giving them insights on the realities of academic pursuit. Throughout the year, events such as National Day Celebration, Job Fair, Exhibits and Cultural Shows bring members of the campus and area communities together.

The Graduation ceremony is made formal and special before the audience of parents, administrators, and guests.

As you are officially our student currently enrolled in one of our programs, we aim to provide you the best support, prompt assistance, and all necessary information as you complete your academic journey.


Student Support Teaching and Learning

Clubs and Organizations

There is more to college life than just mere lectures and tutorials. Students are given the chance to become part of the many activities available on campus. They can form groups according to their common interests and passions.

We invite you to become part of the clubs and organizations and surely you will develop your sense of leadership and cooperation.

Check the following clubs:

  1. Business Studies Club
  2. TESACT-The Engineering Society 
  3. IT Society 
  4. Stage Play
  5. Ranger Volunteers
  6. Athletic 

Health and Medical Services

UTAS-A believes that the general health and well-being of students is an important aspect in their academic progress.

The Student Affairs laid out an annual activity plan for promoting awareness and ensuring the health and welfare of the students. The activities may include:

  1. Blood Donation Campaign
  2. Health Lectures
  3. Social Services

There are clinics in the college to provide health and first aid services to students and staff. They provide health care to treat common conditions such as headaches, skin rashes, fever, anemia, and asthma. They also provides free advice on nutrition and other health-related issues.

Clinic hours: 8:00 AM to 2:30PM

IP Phone Number : 26871 - 417


National Day Celebration

National Day is a remarkable commemoration for all Omanis to express patriotism and gratitude to their beloved country and celebrate the birth of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.

In the same way, Al Musanna College of Technology offerestribute to this big festivity by holding a special ceremony on the school campus. This literary show highlights the tradition and culture of Oman while students showcase their talents and artistry in the visualarts, dance, music, and poetry. Students also deliver their speech or their original poetry or sometimes play some musical intruments and render original song compositions.

The occasion is a way for the college and the student body to express their gratitude to their ruler, HM Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, cultivating their pride and joy for the Sultanate.


Live Music

Traditional instruments are used during the presentations of students in the college auditorium. You can witness the live and fascinating music as they play the exceptional instruments while singing and dancing. You can be carried away by hypnotic rhythms and chants along with spell-binding performances. Normally, this is one of the highlights of the Cultural Show held annually at the campus.


Arts and Cultural Exhibits

Influenced by the rich culture and tradition of Oman, our College offers students, faculty, staff, and the community an exciting and extraordinary array of artistic and intellectual opportunities.

Whether you want to join or be a mere spectator, there are many ways to take pleasure in music, drama, art and other cultural activities on the campus with its student clubs and organizations.


Cultural Nights and Theater Show

The different academic departments present annual cultural nights or theater shows depicting traditional dance and music as well as Arabic stories and legends. This is usually held at the College Auditorium throughout the year.


Evening of Poetry

The literary and poetic side of Omanis is showcased during this evening celebration. Students compose their own poems as inspired by their life and by with His Majesty. They recite their compositions on stage at the College Auditorium.



Food and Dining Services

The students of UTAS-A are provided with a cafeteria whose aim is to provide affordable and healthy food. Before providing cafeteria service, a qualified concessionaire has to be chosen from a group of applicants. The Cafeteria Policy sets a guide in the selection of cafeteria providers and the renewal of their services while the Meals and Refreshments Requisition form is filled up for the provision of meals during school-related activities.

Students, faculty and staff often converge for meals and snack in the two college cafeterias located at the ground floor of the Administration Building and the other in the ELC building. There is a separate section exclusive for staff use.

Athletics and Fitness

Staying fit and healthy is one of the objectives for our students especially the males. They love to play sports or join the different levels of competitions.

The college supports the desire of our students to organize their own sport or fitness activities. The Student Affairs Office, with fully-qualified staff, can also assist in implementing comprehensive programs for sport and fitness.

The soccer field, basketball court, and badminton court are readily available for these competitions. But if you simply want to go brisk walking or jogging, the whole campus is ideal.

Some sport-related fixtures and facilities can be found in our College Facilities section.