The Board of Trustees (BoT)
The Colleges of Technology have a Board of Trustees formed by a Ministerial Decision, chaired by the Minister and memberships are as follows; (College Bylaws, Article 3)


  1. The Under Secretary for Technical Education and Vocational Training.
  2. Director General of Technical Education
  3. A representative of the Ministry of Higher Education
  4. A representative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry
  5. A representative of the Ministry of Finance
  6. A representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  7. A representative of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  8. A representative from the Industrial sector, At least (4).
  9. The Ministry’s Director General for planning and Development
  10. Two College Deans
  11. The Board’s Secretary (member and reporter)

The Board of Trustees meets at least four times a year, or as deemed necessary upon invitation from the Chairman. Its meetings are legal if attended by a majority of its members. The decisions are valid if supported by a majority of votes. In case of a tied vote, the chairman’s side will cast a vote. The Board is authorized to seek the assistance of any specialists or experts and invite them to its meetings without granting them the right to vote

Duties and responsibilities
The Board is responsible for setting up the strategies and policies of the colleges and following up their implementation. (refer to College Bylaws, article 4).

Board Secretary
The Board of Trustees has a full-time secretary and reporter for its agenda. The secretary’s responsibilities is detailed in College Bylaws, Article 5.