ELC-QA Committee Inducts New Staff

Feb 2021
English Laguage Center

Author: Dr. Annie  B. Domede 

Tags: Quality Assurance, Student Support, Appraisal

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The ELC-Quality Assurance (QA) Committee, headed by the QA Coordinator, Dr. Annie B. Domede in coordination with the ELC Management, conducted the induction for the new teaching staff on February 9, 2021 at CC 106. Dr. Faisal Al Saadi, the HoS-CTM, opened the session and welcomed all the teaching staff who joined the Center early last year and this semester.
During the induction, Dr. Domede briefly introduced the University, GFP Management, and ELC. She also discussed about student support, student behavior management, staff support and appraisal, as well as the code of ethics and the duties and responsibilities of the teaching staff. Dr. Domede also shared the procedures for operational planning, staff grievances, and filing of short and sick leaves. Ms. Autumn Dinkelman, a member of the QA Committee, also spoke about the GFP Program and its structure, assessments, attendance and warning letters, risk management and mitigation procedure, and health and safety procedure.
Before the end of the session, questions related to benchmarking of results and staff appraisal were raised and were clarified by the presenters.