Facilities and Resources


UTAS-A has a wide range of facilities and resources to support the teaching and learning process.


Communication channels like circulars, notice boards, LCD TVs, suggestions boxes, IP phones and meetings are available which ensure that information is accessible on a timely basis. 


Staff are provided with their own personal computers while each office is equipped with printers and scanners. Each staff member has a user account which allows them to communicate through the portal and e-mail system. The campus is equipped with wired and wireless connectivity to use shared resources on the network and fast internet bandwith. Students can use computer laboratories or their own laptop to access their own student folders and use the internet services.


The library is the biggest storage of information and learning resources. The college library occupies a floor area of 3,528 sq. ft. with 5,153 volumes of books, periodicals, subscriptions, electronic materials and other reference learning materials.


The Ministry of Manpower subscribes to a database called ebrary. It is an online comprehensive resource containing more than 40,000 titles in 16 key subjects areas like business, economics, computers, information technology, engineering technology, language and literature. Students and lecturers can download learning materials from the subscription database.


Classrooms are equipped with whiteboards and, wherever necessary, LCD projectors and computer systems with printers. All labs are equipped with computer systems connected to the College network and ceiling mounted LCD projectors. Interactive boards are also installed in four labs. Printing and scanning facilities are available to staff and in labs wherever necessary. The labs in the IT and Engineering departments are used for courses having theoretical and practical components. A qualified technician is assigned to each lab to help students in their learning process. The labs are provided with quality sub-manuals (Engineering, ETC) that describe the policies and procedures for their maintenance.


The Educational Technology Centre is one of ACT’s major pillars that continuously provides quality services and efficient support on academic programs and administrative activities. ETC proudly professes that the college has more than 800 computers and a number of highly sophisticated laboratories. ETC has also formed a Network Maintenance Team responsible for network maintenance and IP telephones, and the Portal Team to manage the interactive Portal and college website.


The Educational Services Section provides the necessary educational materials and equipment with training and tutorials to teaching and technical support staffs for quality teaching delivery. We support students’ achievement through provision of student-access learning facilities and enhancement practical trainings for enhancement of knowledge and skills.