Ithra: A Cultural Event Enriching Academic Life

24 April 2024

The University Library organized a cultural event titled "Ithra" from April 22nd to April 24th, 2024. This event coincided with World Book Day and Copyright Day on April 23rd each year. The aim of this event was to enhance culture and knowledge, provide a platform for exchanging experiences, and promote intellectual cooperation among members of the university and the local community.


The event hosted several authors from the university who talked about their experiences in writing and overcoming challenges, showcasing their literary works. The event also included a used book fair to promote a culture of interest in books and encourage reading and continuous learning. Mr. Harith bin Saif Al-Kharousi, a researcher in Omani heritage and history, presented an exhibition of writings on metals, local materials, and rocks, focusing on the history of writing since ancient times. 

The event concluded with a workshop titled "How to Start Your Writings", presented by Ms. Sheikha Al-Fajriya to encourage participants to innovate and think creatively in the world of writing.


This event resulted in a set of important recommendations, highlighting the necessity of continuing to organize such events that promote writing and enhance interest in knowledge and books. The event also called for the adoption of students' writings and publishing them in university publications. It is hoped that the University will allocate a special corner to display these valuable intellectual outputs at local and international book fairs. The event received great popularity among university affiliates and external community members, reflecting its success and positive impact.