IT Department Welcomes Students with a Workshop

10 Feb 2022

The IT Department organized and conducted a “Welcome Back to University Campus Workshop” for the B. Tech and Advanced Diploma students on 10th February 2022 in CC106.


The workshop aimed to guide the students to cope with and gear up towards a rewarding learning experience at the university campus subsequent to the impact of the Covid -19 pandemic. In the workshop, the students were made aware of the opportunities available, the importance of their involvement and participation, and the necessity of a positive attitude and ability to take up responsibility and accountability.


The workshop was presented by Dr. Divyajyothi M G. He highlighted the transition from school life to university life, the facilities available to ensure effective learning and avoiding getting into academic probation, whom to approach when at risk, following proper communication channels, and the effective use of the university resources. Dr. Divyajyothi motivated and engaged the students to actively participate in the workshop.