HRM Students Shine in Final Graduation Project Presentations: A Showcase of Talent and Insight

26 Dec 2023

The culmination of months of rigorous research, analysis, and creative thinking unfolded as the Human Resource Management (HRM) students of CEBA, UTAS-A presented their final graduation projects on December 26, 2023. Each team demonstrated a clear understanding of their chosen topic and delivered their messages with confidence and clarity before the respective panel members. This final presentation was a venue for celebration of learning, growth, and intellectual achievement and the culmination of the students' journey in the HRM program. This event provided students with a valuable platform to showcase their acquired knowledge and skills to the distinguished faculty members. All the graduation project students were overwhelmed with excitement and had a feeling of satisfaction when they completed their presentation successfully.  They had not only met the academic challenge but had exceeded expectations, proving their worth as future HR professionals ready to make a positive impact on the world of work.


 Dr. Aziza Humaid Abdallah Alqamashoui, the Head of CEBA congratulated all the project students and wished them all the very best for all their future journey of excellence.