PSC Joins the World in Support of Women to Thrive 365

17 Oct. 2023

The Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) through the Staff Social Club Committee (SSoC) has joined the rest of the world this month of October, in organizing a BREAST CANCER AWARENESS CAMPAIGN adopting the universal theme - “Thrive365”. This event, attended by the female staff of the Centre, was held on 17 October 2023 (Tuesday) at the PSC Multi-purpose Hall.  

Breast cancer awareness is an event organized annually around the world that aims to raise mindfulness of the importance of early detection of the disease and provide valuable insights on the prevention and screening methods. This year’s theme focuses on understanding that breast cancer is not an insuperable foe, but a challenge that can be won through awareness, education, and support. To date, millions of women are reported to have been suffering from this disease worldwide including Omani women.

In conjunction with this global campaign, PSC invited Dr. Kannadi Palankezhe Vanitha, an OB-Gynecologist from the Al Musannah Polyclinic, as the resource speaker at this event. Dr. Vanitha with her assistant, Ms.  Sheikah Juma Al Balushi, a midwife from the same clinic, talked about breast cancer awareness and discussed different ways of regular self-breast examination and the red flags that require women to visit a doctor for further checks.  Before the end of this educational talk, Mr. Juma Al Ghafri, Head of PSC, presented a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Vanitha.


The SSoC and the entire PSC are committed to further educating the world about breast cancer through awareness campaigns and uplifting those who are affected by it through small acts of support such as wearing a pink ribbon for STRENGTH, COURAGE, and HOPE for all the pink warriors, their families, and friends out there! A pink ribbon is known as the symbol used globally in support of this cause.