Engineering Student Present TEMI Robot to Fellow Students

5th December 2023

Raneem Salim Alhasan, a BTECH Electronics and Communication Engineering student, gave a TEMI Robot seminar on 5th December 2023. 24 students participated and benefitted from the presentation which was organized by the Students’ Academic Activities Committee of Engineering Department.

TEMI is an AI-based mobile social robot that can be programmed to interact with humans through voice, map its environment, and move to a specific location autonomously.

The speaker explained the specifications of the TEMI Robot, the steps to create an account using the TEMI center, and the process of creating an app using, a third-party development environment for developing the TEMI app. The presenter also demonstrated how to create Avatars, which are models used for weblink testing. Avatars are used in applications that require only human interaction without navigation.

Finally, the participants were called into groups and given a demonstration of environment mapping TEMI.