Student Support and Services

Student Allowances


Every first week of the semester, the Admission and Registration Department of Student Affairs Office distributes a Survey Form to new students to indicate significant information about themselves. A copy of their National ID is attached for identification of their residence / location and as basis of their appropriate allowances.


Student allowances are paid on a monthly basis to all regular enrolled students. The department identifies those who are eligible to receive a transportation allowance and those who are eligible to receive a housing allowance. Transportation allowance is only given to students after completion of their registration at UTAS-A.


The list of students eligible for allowances is forwarded to the Finance Department and processed with payment vouchers as per Ministry of Finance rules and regulations. These allowances are directly deposited into the students' bank accounts.

Student Support and Services

As you are officially our student currently enrolled in one of our programs, we aim to provide you the best support, prompt assistance, and all necessary information as you complete your academic journey.


In this website you will learn about the academic offerings and how will you proceed with your studies with the help of an academic advisor. You will also find significant information and guidance instructions for student registration, registration schedules, and a calendar of activities. We also provide a link to the Online Student Registration where you can access your academic records, grades, and subjects enrolled, as well as control your personal information. Further information about the credit hour system, grade point average, student attendance, academic probation, and honors and awards is also clearly elaborated.


If you have any further inquiries about student requirements and any related issues to your studies, you may contact designated personnel at the Student Affairs or the head of your department.


Again, we are delighted to welcome you and wish you all the best in your academic endeavor here in UTAS-A.


To give you the best possible outcomes on your intellectual development and career, we have provided the following assistance and services:

A. Student Allowances
B. Student Counseling / 26871 - 316
C. Health and Medical Services / 26871 - 417
D. Graduation Services
E. Food and Dining Services
F. Employment and Career Guidance
G. Health and Campus Safety




Student Counseling


The Counseling and Graduates Follow-Up Department provides continuous counseling service to all UTAS-A students primarily to monitor their well-being and ability to study. The counseling follows the ethical practice of ensuring confidentiality and protection on the nature of the services provided.


The college bylaws specify student behavior, discipline and order, and the disciplinary system. In addition, the student handbook contains the policy on dress code, college regulations, classroom behavior, attendance, advising, and disciplinary procedures. Student violating these policies are reported in writing by the lecturers and/or advisor to the Head of Center or Department.


Contact Us

The Head of the Counseling and Graduates Follow-up Department will supervise the counseling and registration process as well as coordinate with advisors in every department.

To know more about this service, you may contact:


The Head of Counseling and Graduates Follow-Up Department
26871 316